06 March 2008

Organised crime turning to mortgage fraud

Ridiculously brief piece from the Independent. UK mortgage fraud totalled £700 million last year and involved crooked solicitors and surveyors laundering money by overvaluing properties....Longer piece on ACPO Website here: http://www.acpo.police.uk/pressrelease.asp?PR_GUID={7F278B1E-CA47-4C00-AFD2-CC599E4BA786}
Unfortunately it's marked restricted so only a few members of ACPO and individuals in the finance industry will ever read it. Why? AH OK, lets be fare here for once. Because it contains details of how to do it! That's reasonable...But is the finance industry really a safe place to send it then?
It is true that it was until the credit crunch ridiculously easy to take out a bank mortgage and the report asks for checks. But it also mutters darkly about ethnic groups and terrorists.

Fascinating stuff, but frustratingly small amount of information

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