26 March 2009

This counter-terroism plan is in ruin. Try one that works

Phew. What a relief. Sometimes I begin to think that it's my eyes that are beginning to swivel. Seumas Milne's article in the Guardian [yeah I know. All you swivel-eyed UKIP supporters out there think the Guardian is evil] restore a sense of proportion. hazel Blear's decision to cut links with the Muslim Council of Britain, the soggiest, Uncle Tommiest organisation going, just cuts the ground away from any attempt to engage with British Muslims.
Milne's words: "the dispute goes to the heart of the fatal flaw in government policy towards the terror threat. Instead of simply aiming to stop indiscriminate attacks, something that unites almost all Muslims as well as non-Muslims, the idea underlying the new strategy is to confront "nonviolent extremism" as well." This is dangerous ground and ends up with locking up all BNP supporters, UKIPpers, Marxists, Trots anarchists...and probably half the Catholic and Protestant churches. The only good news is that gingers will turn out to be on the list too, and that will include la Blears.

Comments on the piece also worth reading. Anyone doing an essay on Britain's counter-terrorism policy has all the arguments in this discussion. Its a gift!

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